Translate Khmer documents immediately

Upload a Khmer document and translate it with the world's most intelligent AI (GPT, Gemini, Claude) with one click.

Upload Document

Supported document types:.docx .xlsx .pptx .pdf .ai .indd .odt .ods .odp .epub .jpg .jpeg .png .srt .json .html .xml .go .yml .yaml .php .wav .ape .mp3 .aac .flac .alac .ogg .wma .ac3 .dts .amr .aiff .m4a .txt .md .zip .po .xlf .xliff .csv .tsv .tex .arxiv

Upload the document immediately to preview the translation effect for free.

What is Translation Preview?

How to use O.Translator to translate Cambodian documents

1. Visit O.Translator

Access Translation page >>
You may need to complete the login operation.

2. Upload document

O.Translator Supports over 30 document formats.PDF .DOCX .XLSX .EPUB .PO ...

3. Select language and model

Select source language and target language
O.Translator Supports over 80 languages

4. Start translation

It may take a few minutes, no need to wait on the page
After the translation is completed, we will send an email notification.

Start Now

Use AI (GPT, Gemini, Claude) for document translation

AI's natural language processing capabilities are already approaching those of humans, and with its profound expertise, it is gradually becoming the preferred translation assistant.

O.Translator allows free choice of the most advanced GPT, Gemini, or Claude for document translation, including: GPT4oMini、GPT4o、GeminiFlash、GeminiPro、ClaudeHaiku、ClaudeSonnet

Context Understanding

Automation Efficiency


Format preservation

Real-time learning



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