By O.Translator 2023-10-03

The top 5 GPT translation advantages you need to know

What makes GPT capable of pushing machine translation into the next domain?


The main advantage of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) translation over traditional machine translation lies in its use of deep learning algorithms and large-scale pre-trained data, which makes GPT perform better in understanding context, grasping the nuances of language, and generating more fluent and natural translations.

1、 Better understanding of the document context

What is context understanding? Take Chinese-English translation as an example: 'I didn't see her face because she was wearing a mask.'

If there is a lack of sufficient context understanding, machine translation might miss out on the specifics of 'the mask', such as what kind of mask it is or why it is being worn, merely translating the surface meaning.

Models like GPT might more reasonably deduce that the word “mask” in the current social context (such as the widespread use of masks during a pandemic) and clues in the sentence refers to a mask used to cover the face to prevent virus transmission, rather than a mask used in drama or masquerade balls, and then generate a more accurate and contextually appropriate translation.

GPT's superior context understanding is reflected in its ability to more accurately capture subtle differences in language, including tone, metaphors, puns, and other linguistic phenomena, and to provide correct semantic interpretation and translation based on these. Especially for document translation that is closely related to context, understanding the relationships between different parts of the document, including long-distance dependencies, can provide more accurate translations.

2、 Better natural language recognition and generation capabilities

When generating text, GPT can more closely align with human language habits, producing translations that are more fluent and natural, and not stiff or inconsistent with the target language's expression habits like some traditional machine translations.

For example, translating this sentence: 'Despite feeling tired from working long hours, he still decided to go to the gym, which was his doctor's advice for improving his health condition.'

Google translates as:“尽管长时间工作后他很累,但他仍然决定去健身房,这是医生建议他去健身房以改善健康的。”。It reads awkwardly.

GPT translates as:“尽管工作了很长时间他感到疲倦,但他仍然决定去健身房,这是他的医生为了改善他的健康状况而给他的建议。”。This is much better.

It is evident that for entire documents, whether the translation sounds natural is an important indicator of translation quality, and GPT performs much better in this regard than machine translation.

3、 Reduce translation bias

Due to GPT's more extensive and diverse training data, it can reduce some biases that may exist in traditional machine translation systems during translation.

For example, when translating gender-neutral job titles, some machine translations may default to using vocabulary of a certain gender, while GPT can handle this issue more objectively.

4、 Adaptability to non-standard expressions

GPT is better at understanding and translating non-standard expressions, slang, and even internet jargon, because it has been exposed to a more diverse range of language expressions during its pre-training process.

For example: When translating sentences containing internet slang, GPT can more accurately grasp its semantics, providing an appropriate translation.

5、 GPT's learning ability

Most notably, GPT is continuously learning and evolving. Even with its current capabilities, GPT has advantages over machine translation.

Overall, we recommend you try using GPT for document translation. Additionally, we offer free document translation (for the first 1500 words of each document), so you don't need to worry about the cost. You can translate first to see the effect.