By Ethan 2023-10-14

GPT translation supports website internationalization

GPT translation has helped us generate multilingual websites, making the site more international.


What is website internationalization?

Website internationalization refers to adjusting and optimizing a website to meet the needs and cultural habits of users from different countries and regions. This includes work on multilingual support, timezone and currency adaptation, localized content and design, international SEO, and other aspects.

What is the use of website internationalization?

By internationalizing the website, you can expand its reach, attract global users, and promote cross-border communication and business development. In this way, users can interact with the website in their familiar language, usage habits, and cultural background, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.

How do we internationalize websites?

There won't be too many technical details here, if you are interested in specific technologies, you are welcome to join our translation community for discussion:Discord

Multilingual support


Multilingual website document example

Typically, technicians will export all the text on the website into .po files, then hand them over to translators for translation. After the translation, the translators will give the translated text to the developers for website configuration.

The image above is the language versions of our website automatically generated by GPT translation. Currently, our multilingual translation is entirely handled by GPT. Based on our experience, GPT is fully capable of undertaking the work of human translation.

Developers only need to upload .po files, and our translation program will output the translation in the original format, which developers can download and configure.


  • Low cost: Our website supports 11 national languages, which has reduced the cost by dozens of times compared to the previous manual translation method.

  • Higher efficiency: Copy often needs to be updated with feature iterations. If manual translation is used, it requires waiting for the translator to complete the translation before publishing, which generally takes 1-2 days. Now, using GPT translation, it only takes uploading a .po file, and the translation can be completed in just a few seconds.


  • Translation verification: For languages we are familiar with, it's easy to judge the accuracy of the translation, but for unfamiliar languages, we can only seek help from professionals for review. However, based on our experience, the accuracy of GPT is still very high.

  • Plural and verb processing: In the absence of context, GPT may make incorrect judgments about plurals and verbs. In such cases, we manually edit the translation, changing the necessary parts to plural or verb form.